Yep! This project is officially cancelled.

The reason why is because a lost all motivation for making the full hack. It was getting to the point where it was no longer fun to make it. I was pretty frustrated with Lunar Magic and decided that rom hacking was NOT my thing. As for the demo, it will still stay up for anyone who would like to try it out. I think the demo turned out pretty decent, but unfortunatily, the full hack will NOT be finished.

I would like to take a moment to give a huge thanks to some people in regards to the demo.

Custom Graphic Designers: Gamma V, Kopejo, codfish1002, Mr. Pixelator, and leictreon

Composers of Custom Music Ports and Remixes: Tornado, Dark Mario Bros, Sinister Pixel, imamelia, KevinM, and TheInsanity115

People who played the demo on YouTube:  World Gaming, Wlerlen, Puffle Dreemurr, and  GameplayGaming (must have deleted that video, i guess)

People who gave feedback on the demo (Even though the hack is cancelled, I appreciate it very much.): Dispace1UPDudes, and karinou

So what's next? I'm happy to announce that I have another project in the works. What is it? I won't tell you yet. It's a secret! :P

Get Super Mario Ultra World [CANCELLED]

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